
by 株式会社ベスプラ

Health & Fitness


Brain health maintenance app based on brain science! Five elements with scientific basis "exercise, diet, brain training, stress relief, social participation" are simple and easy! Achieve fun and effective dementia prevention

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■自治体様への提供(2021年12月現在)・東京都八王子市「てくポ」・東京都渋谷区・東京都■新機能新型コロナウイルスを気にされる方や、糖尿病・高血圧症の方へお役立ち機能を追加いたしました。・体温:体のリズムや不調を感じる大事な指標です。毎日ご記入いただき健康管理にお役立てください。(別サービスの家族サイトと連携すると体温を家族にも共有できます)・体重(BMI):「肥満は万病のもと」などと言われますが「痩せすぎ」も良くありません。良い体重範囲であることが分かる指標がBMIという指標です。できるだけ毎日体重を測り、BMIの標準値22を目指しましょう!・血圧:血圧が高くなると血管に負荷がかかり動脈硬化を引き起こし、脳卒中や心筋梗塞などの命に重大な病気のきっかけとなってしまいます。血圧が高い方はや血圧のお薬を飲んでいる方は当アプリの服薬機能もご利用いただき血圧コントロールをぜひお願いいたします。・血糖:糖値が高い場合、自己症状が現れにくいですが、命にかかわる合併症を引き起こすことが多く、認知症になってしまう確率が2.5倍も高くなると言われています。血糖のお薬を飲んでいる方は当アプリの服薬機能もご利用いただき血糖コントロールをぜひお願いいたします。■10万ユーザー突破!!認知症予防を観点としたアプリの中で、最も多くのシェアを獲得いたしました!(2021年12月現在/当社調べ)■アプリの効果当アプリを1ヶ月継続的にお使い頂いている方に以下2つの効果が認められました。【1.認知機能検査の点数向上】「認知機能検査(運転免許更新時)」の点数が平均120%向上する結果となりました。(5000人以上の結果を分析)【2.脳神経細胞の可塑化】当アプリを始める前と始めて1ヶ月後に脳MRIで測定したところ、全体の96%に、脳灰白質が増加する結果が確認できました。(40~70代の男女100名を対象に分析を実施)■概要脳にいいアプリは、脳科学に基づき脳の活性化や可塑化が期待できる活動「運動」「食事」「脳トレ」に目標付けを行い、管理・評価し、その人に対して適切な活動を促すことで、脳を最適な状態に保つことをサポートするアプリです。脳トレする事で脳年齢や脳力図など、自分の脳を知ることもできます。また、当アプリを使えば使うほど「脳の健康維持AI(人工知能)」が、あなたの「脳」に「いい」最適なアドバイスを促し、より高い効果を発揮します。(機能適宜追加)■こんな方にオススメ・認知症が心配な方・最近記憶が不安だと思う方・脳をもっと活性化させたい方・糖尿病を予防したい方・血圧が気になる方・体温を管理したい方(新型コロナウイルスが気になる方)・体重を管理したい方・薬を飲み忘れたくない方※ご家族の認知症が心配な場合、ご家族にお薦めください。■家族サイトご家族の脳が心配ではありませんか?家族サイトにご登録になれば、脳にいいアプリと連携することができ、大切なご家族様と以下のサービスをご利用いただけます。・【コミュニケーション】誰でもカンタンに写真や動画、メッセージやスタンプのやり取りができます。日々の面白い事を共有しましょう!・【見守り】ご家族の運動・食事・脳トレ・脳年齢や服薬の状態をリアルタイムに把握できます・【一緒に楽しむ】遠く離れたご家族と脳トレの対戦ができます■このアプリの特徴・脳科学の観点から、運動・食事・脳トレの複合的な予防を推進する事で確実な効果を出します。・手塚プロダクション等の日本が誇るクリエイターの協力にて、楽しいコンテンツを提供します。・50以上の市区町村マスコットキャラクターが登場し、親近感のある楽しいパズルを提供します。・5万人以上のユーザーデータを分析し脳の健康維持評価機能(特願2016-117839)をAI化。最適な評価・アドバイスを提供します(適宜機能追加)・歩数機能は、バーチャル散歩コースを用意しており、例えば「東海道五十三次でどこまで歩いたか」を表示し、コースをクリアする事で、次々と散歩コースが解放されます。・脳トレはネット上のユーザー同士との対戦型となっており、人との繋がりを意識できます。・脳トレ後、脳年齢や脳力図が表示される為、自分の脳の状態を見る事ができます。・食事機能は、脳や体に良いエビデンスがある9品目を摂ったかをタップする極力シンプルな仕組みとなっています。・服薬リマインド機能があり、薬の飲み忘れを防ぎます。また家族にもその情報が共有できます。・日々の健康数値(体温・体重・血圧・血糖等)を入力・管理でき、認知症だけでなく、日々を安心して生活して頂けるようにコロナや生活習慣病に対する予防推進機能も提供しております。・完全無償でご利用いただけます。追加課金等は一切ございません。・家族サイトにて家族登録を行えば、家族のコミュニケーションや、家族の見守り、家族同士の脳トレ対戦が行えます。■効果的な脳トレおよそ3分で「計算」~「パズル」~「まちがえ探し」を順番に行い、脳の活性化および可塑化を促します。・計算:簡単な計算問題が10問出てきます。できるだけ早く答えてください。これにより脳の血流を上げます。・パズル:キャラクタースライドパズルを時間内に完成させてください。これにより脳の判断力や推理力向上を狙います。・まちがえ探し:時間内にまちがえを探してください。鉄腕アトムやブラックジャックなど昔からある楽しい絵柄がたくさんあります。これにより脳の長期記憶と短期記憶ならびに、高次脳の向上を狙います。・Nバック訓練やブロック数え、フラッシュ暗算など新しいゲームも追加しました。脳トレは自動で難易度が設定されていきます。できる人には難しく、できない人には簡単になりますので、どなた様もストレス無くご利用いただけると思います。今後は、キャラクターやまちがえ探しイラストおよび、脳トレ種類がどんどん増えていきます。お楽しみに!■歩行ペース(歩く速度)は重要当アプリの運動コンテンツは、科学的な根拠に基づき「歩行」(【歩数】と【歩行ペース】)とさせていただいております。当アプリの「モーションとフィットネス」をオンにしていただければ【歩数】が測定でき、「位置情報」を[常にオン]にしていただければ【歩行ペース】が測定できます。特に、歩行ペースは脳の働きと密接な関係があり、当情報に基づきアドバイスや注意等を行いますので、できるかぎり「位置情報」を[常にオン]にしていただくようお願いいたします。■お願いご利用者様へ最適な活動目標を提案させていただく為に「年代」と「性別」には適切な入力をお願いいたします。ご利用者様の健康と安全に対する配慮へご協力のほどをよろしくお願いいたします。■ Provision to local governments (as of December 2021)・ "Tekupo", Hachioji-shi, Tokyo・ Shibuya-ku, Tokyo·Tokyo■ New featuresWe have added useful functions for those who are concerned about the new coronavirus and those with diabetes and hypertension.・ Body temperature: It is an important index to feel the rhythm and upset of the body. Please fill it out every day and use it for your health management. (You can share your body temperature with your family by linking with a family site of another service)-Body mass index (BMI): It is said that "obesity is the cause of all illnesses", but "too thin" is also not good. An index that shows that you have a good weight range is an index called BMI. Weigh yourself as much as possible every day and aim for a standard BMI of 22!・ Blood pressure: When blood pressure rises, blood vessels are overloaded, causing arteriosclerosis, which can trigger life-threatening illnesses such as stroke and myocardial infarction. If you have high blood pressure or are taking blood pressure medicine, please use the medication function of this app to control your blood pressure.・ Blood sugar: When the sugar level is high, self-symptoms are less likely to appear, but it often causes life-threatening complications, and it is said that the probability of developing dementia is 2.5 times higher. If you are taking blood sugar medicine, please use the medication function of this app to control your blood sugar.■ Over 100,000 users! !!Among the apps from the viewpoint of dementia prevention, we have won the largest share! (As of December 2021 / according to our research)■ Effects of the appThe following two effects were recognized for those who have been using this app continuously for one month.[1. Improvement of cognitive function test scores]The result was that the score of "Cognitive function test (when renewing drivers license)" improved by 120% on average. (Analyzing the results of more than 5,000 people)[2. Plasticization of brain nerve cells]When measured by brain MRI before and one month after starting this app, it was confirmed that the brain gray matter increased in 96% of the total. (Analysis was conducted on 100 men and women in their 40s and 70s)■ OverviewAn app that is good for the brain targets, manages, and evaluates activities "exercise," "diet," and "brain training" that can be expected to activate and plasticize the brain based on brain science, and is an appropriate activity for that person. It is an application that supports keeping the brain in the optimum state by encouraging. You can also know your own brain such as brain age and brain force chart by brain training.In addition, the more you use this app, the more "brain health maintenance AI (artificial intelligence)" will prompt your "brain" for "good" optimal advice, and it will be more effective. (Addition of functions as appropriate)■ Recommended for people like this・ Those who are worried about dementia・ Those who feel uneasy about their memory recently・ Those who want to activate the brain more・ Those who want to prevent diabetes・ Those who are concerned about blood pressure・ Those who want to control body temperature (those who are concerned about the new coronavirus)・ Those who want to manage their weight・ Those who do not want to forget to take medicine* If you are worried about dementia in your family, please recommend it to your family.■ Family siteAre you worried about your familys brain?If you register on the family site, you can link with a good app for your brain and use the following services with your important family.・ [Communication] Anyone can easily exchange photos, videos, messages and stamps. Share interesting things every day!・ [Watch] You can grasp the exercise, diet, brain training, brain age and medication status of your family in real time.・ [Enjoy together] You can play a brain training match with a family far away.■ Features of this app・ From the viewpoint of brain science, promoting the combined prevention of exercise, diet, and brain training will produce a certain effect.・ We will provide fun content with the cooperation of creators who are proud of Japan such as Tezuka Productions.・ More than 50 municipal mascot characters will appear, providing fun puzzles with a sense of familiarity.・ Analysis of user data of more than 50,000 people and AI conversion of brain health maintenance evaluation function (Japanese Patent Application 2016-117839). We provide optimal evaluation and advice (additional functions as appropriate)-For the step count function, a virtual walk course is prepared. For example, by displaying "How far have you walked on the 53 Stations of the Tokaido" and clearing the course, the walk courses will be released one after another.・ Brain training is a battle type with users on the net, so you can be aware of the connection with people.・ After brain training, you can see your own brain condition because the brain age and brain strength chart are displayed.・ The dietary function is as simple as possible by tapping whether you have taken 9 items that have good evidence for your brain and body.・ Has a medication reminder function to prevent you from forgetting to take your medication. You can also share that information with your family.・ You can enter and manage daily health values ​​(body temperature, weight, blood pressure, blood sugar, etc.), and provide preventive promotion functions for corona and lifestyle-related diseases so that you can live with peace of mind not only for dementia but also for daily life. We are here.・ You can use it completely free of charge. There is no additional charge.・ If you register as a family member on the family site, you can communicate with your family, watch over your family, and play brain training between family members.■ Effective brain trainingIn about 3 minutes, "calculation"-"puzzle"-"mistake search" is performed in order to promote brain activation and plasticization.・ Calculation: 10 simple calculation problems will appear. Please answer as soon as possible. This increases blood flow in the brain.-Puzzle: Complete the character slide puzzle in time. This aims to improve the judgment and reasoning of the brain.・ Finding mistakes: Find mistakes in time. There are many old and fun designs such as Astro Boy and Blackjack. This aims to improve long-term memory and short-term memory of the brain, as well as higher brain.-Added new games such as N-back training, block counting, and flash mental arithmetic.The difficulty level of brain training is set automatically. It will be difficult for those who can and easy for those who cannot, so I think that anyone can use it without stress.In the future, the number of characters, illustrations for finding mistakes, and types of brain training will increase steadily. looking forward to!■ Walking pace (walking speed) is importantThe exercise content of this app is "walking" ([step count] and [walking pace]) based on scientific grounds. If you turn on "Motion and Fitness" of this app, you can measure [Steps], and if you turn on "Location Information", you can measure [Walking Pace].In particular, walking pace is closely related to the function of the brain, and we will give advice and cautions based on this information, so please set "Location information" to [Always on] as much as possible.■ RequestPlease enter appropriate "age" and "gender" in order to propose the most suitable activity goal to the user. We appreciate your cooperation in giving consideration to the health and safety of our users.【新機能】推定BHQ機能の追加【改善】軽微な修正